


It’s free and it single-handedly changed the way I used to work with a computer. Any Mac that doesn’t have Clipmenu installed doesn’t feel like a real Mac to me.Ĭlipmenu is a clipboard manager. So I guess that their biggest feature is that of melting with the OS and become an invisible layer of your workflow.Ĭlipmenu is an application I’ve been using for many years now and, just like the Finder or Mail, is an application I’m highly dependent on, mainly because it’s become so well integrated with the OS that I don’t even notice using it anymore. But from a user point of view, there’s an immensely huge advantage when using the quiet apps: even if you actually use them, you don’t notice them. I use these “quiet” apps just like I use the other ones. From a technology standpoint, they’re not that different. Then there are applications that live quietly in the background, do their job without requiring my attention and are there when I need them. I have to drive them to go somewhere (working with them), but I also had to learn driving them in the past to get used to their system. Without my action, these applications are lost like an empty car. My action is needed, always and immediately.

clipmenu clipmenu

1Password needs me to input some letters in a text field to unlock its database, and Cyberduck wants me to select the proper folder to upload pictures. Of all these applications I have most of them belong to the first category, they are apps that require me to look at them and perform actions basing on their user interface. I have many applications on my Mac, many of them for reviewing purposes, but I tend to keep a very few in the dock and some running in the menubar. There are two kinds of desktop applications: those that work and require you to pay attention to them, and those that work and you don’t even notice them.
